Welcome to this month’s Champion Chat podcast. The hot topic lately has been about Local Government and are some of them getting too involved in issues which could be seen as having nothing to do with local city management. Today Alison will provide insights into what actually goes on behind the scenes at Banyule City Council, from the meetings and decision making, to the execution and provision of services.
Other areas covered include:
– What is the Banyule City guidelines around inclusivity?
– Banyule operations as a single councillor per ward LGA.
– How does the council continually balance the budget with delivery of required services?
– How does a council meeting run.
– How can residents have their say or raise an agenda topic for council meetings.
If you would like to know more, you can visit https://www.banyule.vic.gov.au/About-us/Councillors-and-Council-meetings/Council-meetings/Council-meeting-agendas-and-minutes to get the latest information on council meetings or https://www.banyule.vic.gov.au/About-us/Councillors-and-Council-meetings/Council-meetings/How-Council-meetings-work on how council meetings work.
Or you can reach out and contact Alison, via:
Telephone: 0466486593
Email: Alison.Champion@banyule.vic.gov.au
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