Welcome to our first podcast of this year. Today we continue our series on Social Change and Local Government Support by talking about Urban Food Strategies.  Rising inflation and costs of living in Australia are having a big impact to Australians hip pockets, Urban Food Strategies and how families that are doing it tough can get help is something I think we would all like to know a bit more about.  In this episode, we discuss;

What actually is an Urban Food Strategy?
What is happening with the Banyule Council’s Urban Food Strategy?
What help for families currently exist in the City of Banyule?
What can residents do to help or get involved?

If you like to know more about Urban Food Strategies, please visit the links below.  Alternatively if you know of other initiatives that may be able to help families struggling to put food on the table, please share back to this post so that we can ensure that the people needing assistance know where they can find it. Organisations that can already help are:

BANSIC for food relief – https://bansic.org.au/covid-19-emergency-food-relief/ 
Greenhills Neighbourhood House for food relief – https://www.ghnh.org.au/sustainability 
Watsonia Neighbourhood House for food relief – https://www.watsonianh.org.au/community-support 
Banyule Council Urban Food Strategy – https://shaping.banyule.vic.gov.au/UrbanFood

Other organisations to check out are:
Sustain – www.sustain.org.au
Terra Madre Organics – www.terramadre.com.au